Category: Fitness
See what happens to your Brain when you Dance
For the first time, this ground-breaking research shows what happens inside your Brain when you do Ballroom, Salsa/Latin, Tango, Lindy Hop/Swing or other partner-based dancing. “Orange” areas shows what happens when a person “leads”, and “Blue” areas show what happens when a person “follows”. This MRI scan of the Brain was taken from Robert Tang,…
“Fit in the Core” 2015 with danceScape
danceScape will once again be part of Burlington Downtown Association’s “FIT IN THE CORE” fitness program, held at CIVIC Square, 426 Brant Street, beside City Hall in downtown Burlington, Ontario. danceScape will present danceTONE Fitness on Sunday, June 14th, 10:00 to 11:00 a.m. and lifeFLOW Chi Gong/Guided Meditation on Sunday August 9th, 10:00 to 11:00…
Tango Meets Pole Fitness & Dance at danceScape
danceScape’s Robert Tang & Beverley Cayton-Tang were choreographers for the Tango Dance portion of Laura Reitmuller’s Entry from Sass Pole Fitness Studio in Stoney Creek. Robert & Beverley are former 3-time Canadian and 2-time North American Undefeated Amateur Standard Ballroom Champions, as see on Dragons’ Den, Healthy Gourmet, and ParticipACTION. Awesome job, Laura, it was…
Turn Out Feet: It’s Good For Your Health!
Have you ever heard your dance instructor caution you in a stern voice to “Watch your turn out!”? If so, you’re not alone — almost all forms of dance, from ballet and ballroom to hip hop and tap, require some degree of turn out in order to achieve good technique. In fact, the proper use…
Zumba Party in Support of Local Foodbank @ danceScape in downtown Burlington
Come JOIN THE PARTY and find out about Zumba Fitness with Julianne Daley at danceScape in downtown Burlington!! Please enable Javascript in order to get HealCode functionality
Exercises to Stretch before Dancing
To help your body perform its best, stretching will not only improve your flexibility and the ease at which you can move, but it will also help prevent injuries. Consider stretching as an element that is equally important as training for strength, balance and power. Give your body the stretch of a lifetime by applying…
Tips for Staying Healthy
Quick and easy steps to maintain healthy lifestyle. Kick the smoking habit and limit alcohol intake. If you are overweight, go on a sensible diet. Cut back on saturated fat intake, eat more fruits and vegetables and take a daily multi-vitamin and calcium supplement. Add strength and resistance training exercises to your workout. Get plenty…
Exercises for Fabulous Foot Arches
Articles may not be published, broadcast or redistributed without written consent from danceScape™. Please contact for authorization details. Try these exercises to develop beautifully shaped foot arches. Click here to visit danceScape’s Global BALLET Dance Forum and meet other dancers passionate about Ballet! Toe Curls Sitting down on the floor, extend your legs in front…
The Posture of Dance
Dancers are known for having good posture. At my clinic, I work with a lot of dancers, and I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve heard my other patients whisper with excitement, “The patient you just saw, is he/she a dancer?” Without fail, it’s the graceful posture that tips them off! Good postural…
Staying in Shape over the Summer Break
Reprinted from The Healthy Dancer by Dr. Jason Twardowski. Dr. Twardowski is a classically trained dancer. His Chiropractic and Acupuncture clinic is located in Toronto at Bayview and Sheppard. Contact: 416 226 2552 The curtain goes down on yet another year of hard work, blistered toes and pirouettes. Finally it’s time to sit back, relax,…