Breast Cancer Fundraiser Soiree

S’il Vous Plaits presents their 1st Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Soiree that will feature Spring 2014 fashion trends. Throughout the night, the event will host amazing live Entertainment and Dj, silent auction, various vendors and lots of awareness to promote.

S’il Vous Plaits presents their 1st Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Soiree that will feature Spring 2014 fashion trends. Throughout the night, the event will host amazing live Entertainment and Dj, silent auction, various vendors and lots of awareness to promote. Held at Ivy Bar & Kitchen, 3330 South Service Road, Burlington, Ontario from 7:00 to 10:00 p.m. (Fashion Show at 8:00 p.m.)

Please join all Breast Cancer Survivors and their supporters for a fun filled evening celebrating life, and the opportunity to bring awareness to all women on the importance of continual breast examinations.
Breast Cancer awareness is not just an October Event. Detection can happen any time and we must be ready for changes. We know breast cancer can affect healthy women, young and old. Statistics states that 65 Canadian women will be diagnosed with breast cancer a day and will affect every 9 women. That is too many beautiful women affected when we know there is something we can do today.

Tickets are $20 Advanced and $25 at the Door.

Your ticket includes: live entertainment and Dj, hors d’oeuvres, silent auction, vendors presence, door prizes and Swag Bag! Portion of proceeds will go to The Canadian Breast Cancer Foundation, Rethink Breast Cancer.

For Tickets directly purchased through danceScape, 10% will be donated to Knot A Breast Dragon Boat Team who are fundraising to compete at the World Championships in Florida.
